Expression of Interest for 
Membership of a Board Council  or

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Archdiocese of Brisbane. We welcome volunteers from diverse backgrounds and with a wide range of skills to committees and councils within Archdiocesan agencies, 

As vacancies arise all applications will be reviewed for the skill sets needed. Thank you for providing details below for our reference.

Section 1: Details

Section 2: Areas of expertise

Section 3: Supporting documents

If you wish to attach a small CV and qualifications you may do so here

Max file size 3 MB

Section 4: Certification

I, the undersigned, certify that: 

  • I agree to the personal details on this form being recorded and used by the Archbishop of Brisbane to assist in the nomination process for board, or council or committee membership; 

  • I confirm that the details provided are correct to the best of my knowledge; 

  • I confirm that to the best of my knowledge there is no impediment to my nomination for membership of an Archdiocesan board, council or committee.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

If you have any questions concerning this form, do not hesitate to contact the Office of Legal, Governance and Risk by telephone at 07 3324 3578.

The Archdiocese takes your privacy very seriously.  Please find our Privacy Policy here for more details.